Want a Defined Jawline? Here Are Your Options

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If you’re wondering how to sculpt a sharper, more defined jawline, you’re not alone. At L&P Aesthetics, where we specialize in jawline fillers and more, many of our San Francisco-area patients tell us the area they most want to change is from their jawline to the collarbone. 

To schedule a personal consult (virtual or in-person) with the face experts, call us at (650) 327-3232 or request a consultation online.

Dr. Parikh was featured in “Everything to Know About the Newest Jawline-Tightening Treatments” by New Beauty Magazine.

What Is Happening To Your Jawline?

Jowls, double-chins, saggy necks, and crepey skin are all an accumulation of fat and skin on your lower face. But the real problem actually begins higher, on your mid-face. As we age, we lose volume in our faces, and the skin’s supportive network of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin breaks down. The result is that facial muscles and tissues have less support and everything below begins to sag.

What Are Your Options for Defining a Saggy Jawline?

Fortunately, we have many options for addressing loose skin and excess fat around the jawline and neck. The best way to determine what is right for you is to schedule a consultation with one of our double-board certified facial plastic surgeons or aesthetic injectors. But in the meantime, we’ve outlined some of your options for a more chiseled jawline depending on your concerns and goals.

Dermal Fillers to Lift The Jawline: Best for Mild to Moderate Jowling and Jawline Laxity

If you have mild jowling or skin laxity in that area, one way to tighten is actually to add volume to the cheeks using dermal fillers. Adding fillers to the midface will lift the skin and therefore give the jawline a more defined and tight appearance, essentially delivering a nonsurgical facelift.

Another way to use dermal fillers to give the appearance of a more solid jawline is to inject filler into the prejowl sulcus – the area between the jowl and chin – to blend the jaw and chin into a straighter line.

Using dermal fillers to replace lost structural support in the face can make a natural but dramatic change in the contour of your jawline.

Ultherapy For Loose Neck Skin: Best for Moderate Skin Laxity Around the Jawline and/or Neck

If skin laxity is the issue, Ultherapy is a nonsurgical, noninvasive option. Ultherapy uses ultrasound and the body’s own natural healing process to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin, and can be used on many parts of the body, but it is especially for moderate skin laxity on the neck. The procedure utilizes ultrasound energy to stimulate the deeper layers of the dermis to produce collagen without disturbing the surface of the skin.

You won’t see results from Ultherapy until three to five months after the treatment and you may need multiple treatments to see a full correction.

FaceTite For Submental Fullness: Best for Mild to Moderate Submental Fullness or a Double Chin

For fullness under the chin, FaceTite is the go-to. FaceTite is an FDA-approved, minimally invasive treatment that allows Drs. L&P to safely deliver radiofrequency (RF) energy under the skin’s surface to melt fat and stimulate collagen production. FaceTite (also sometimes referred to as NeckTite) melts fat but also tightens the skin from within the dermis to effectively treat deep lines and loose skin.

The FaceTite treatment will stimulate collagen production for an extended period, but some patients notice tightening after one week. And because it’s minimally invasive, you only have to count on a few days of downtime. For more dramatic results are requested, Drs. L&P will sometimes combine FaceTite with submental liposuction.

Submental Liposuction: Best for Excess Fullness on the Neck and Along the Jawline

For patients with a lot of fullness around and under the jawline, Drs. Lieberman & Parikh may recommend submental liposuction in conjunction with another surgery.

When doing submental lipo, Drs. Lieberman & Parikh will make an incision under the chin and two small incisions under each ear to suction out the fat in the neck and jawline. Submental liposuction can be done in the office under local anesthesia or in the operating room under general anesthesia.

While submental liposuction alone will take only 30 to 45 minutes, it is a procedure that is often done in conjunction with another surgery such as a chin implant, platysmaplasty, or a face and neck lift. Since the face and neck are so interconnected, it is usually necessary to address the signs of facial aging as well as aging along the neck to create a more complete and natural-looking result.

L&P Midline Neck Lift: Best for Excess Fullness Without Skin Laxity Concerns

The L&P Midline Neck Lift is a dramatic, surgical procedure not many surgeons are qualified to perform because of the technical skill it requires. Drs. L&P are known for their L&P Midline Neck Lift and offer it to both younger patients (20s-30s) who have been bothered by a lifetime of heaviness in the lower face and neck, and also to patients who have excess fullness due to the aging process.

A good candidate for the L&P Midline Neck Lift is anyone with heaviness along the jawline and under the chin but who have minimal skin laxity concerns. By removing excess skin, muscle, and glands and contouring tissues around the neck and chin, Drs. L&P are able to reveal the distinct and beautiful features of a contoured jaw and neck line.

When lower face heaviness and skin laxity are both concerns, the next option is the gold standard of facial rejuvenation: the L&P Signature Facelift & Neck Lift.

L&P Signature Facelift & Neck Lift: The Gold Standard For Facial Rejuvenation

People come from around the world for the stunning, natural results with minimal downtime that only Drs. Lieberman & Parikh are able to provide with our signature Facelift and Necklift. This gold standard of facial rejuvenation is a surgical procedure that comes with several weeks of downtime, but the results are worth it.

One of the many things Drs. Lieberman & Parikh are known for is being able to establish a defined straight line along the jaw that looks natural. Dr. Lieberman and Parikh believe that having definition from ear to chin with no soft tissue or jowl spilling over the mandible is important for creating a more youthful but very natural appearance and they make great efforts during a deep plane facelift to establish tension lines that allow for youthful contours of the jawline, midface and neck.

There’s a tension line that goes from the central neck to the angle of the jaw, and this creates two 90-degree angles. One is under the chin and the neck and the other is at the end of the jawbone towards the neck.

A deep plane facelift addresses multiple layers and involves a dissection and release of those deep tissues of the face and neck.

Check out Drs. L&P’s Signature Facelift & Neck Lift before-and-after photo gallery to see for yourself!

Schedule Your Defined Jawline Consultation

To find out which procedure from dermal fillers to the L&P Signature Facelift & Neck Lift may be right for you, call us at (650) 327-3232 or request a consultation online. We welcome anyone interested in jawline fillers and more from Palo Alto, Los Gatos and throughout the Bay Area.

Palo Alto
(650) 407-2922

Los Gatos
(408) 402-3220

Skin & Wellness
(650) 327-3232