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(650) 327-3232


As fellowship-trained, board-certified surgeons in Palo Alto and Los Gatos, CA, we work exclusively on the face and neck. We perform all facelift variations including the deep plane facelift and mini facelift for our San Francisco Bay Area patients. At L&P Aesthetics, our goal is to design a treatment plan that is right for your face.
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What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a plastic surgery procedure that addresses aging of the lower 2/3 of the face, which includes the cheek area, jowls, and neck.

How Does Aging Affect the Face?

Over time, gravity affects the facial skin, muscles, and connective tissues, causing them to droop. The loss of facial volume, coupled with these changes, leads to the formation of:

  • Jowls along the jawline
  • Deep folds in the cheek (nasolabial folds) and alongside the mouth (marionette lines)
  • Hollowing under the eyes
  • Excess fat and skin under the chin (double chin)
  • Deep vertical folds in the front of the neck (banding)

This natural progression of aging has become increasingly difficult to accept because people are feeling much younger and energized with the advent of healthier lifestyles, cleaner diets, and improved medical care. Feeling much younger than you appear is addressed using a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation.

Beautiful woman after treatment

What to Expect During the Procedure

Prior to facelift surgery, patients should avoid anything that might negatively impact their skin health, hydration, and flexibility, as well as anything that might impede normal blood circulation. For this reason, patients shouldn’t smoke at all in the month before their procedure, and shouldn’t take any aspirin, blood thinners, or skin rejuvenation creams within the 2 weeks prior. It’s also advised to avoid any significant sun tanning in the weeks leading up to a facelift.

Facelift Treatment illustration

Why L&P For Facelift Surgery and What Is the Angle of the Most Natural Lift?

In staying up to date with the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery, Dr. David M. Lieberman, Dr. Sachin S. Parikh, and Dr. Steven A. Curti take each patient’s facial features into account when crafting a surgical plan. This extends to calculating the optimal vectors for lifting the face and neck to achieve as natural a result as possible; tightening the facial skin using the correct angle can deliver the ideal surgical result for each individual patient.

This intricate nuance will help the results appear as natural as possible while minimizing such undesired effects as pleating of the skin near the ears, bunching of the skin under the chin or the mid-face, or flattening of the mid-face that can occur if the skin is pulled in an overly vertical or horizontal direction.

Meet Our Surgeons

Get to know our world-class, board-certified facial plastic surgeons, known for the precision of their work and consistently satisfied patients.

L&P Signature Facelift Videos

What Is the Angle of the Most Natural Lift?

In staying up to date with the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery, Dr. David M. Lieberman, Dr. Sachin S. Parikh, and Dr. Steven A. Curti take each patient’s facial features into account when crafting a surgical plan. This extends to calculating the optimal vectors for lifting the face and neck to achieve as natural a result as possible; tightening the facial skin using the correct angle can deliver the ideal surgical result for each individual patient. This intricate nuance will help the results appear as natural as possible while minimizing such undesired effects as pleating of the skin near the ears, bunching of the skin under the chin or the mid-face, or flattening of the mid-face that can occur if the skin is pulled in an overly vertical or horizontal direction.

Optimal vectors for achieving a very natural facelift result: in staying up to date with the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery including facelift surgery, Drs. Lieberman, Parikh, and Curti take each individual patient’s facial features into account when crafting a surgical plan. This extends to calculating the optimal vectors for lifting the face and neck to achieve as natural a result as possible; tightening the facial skin using the correct angle (shown in the last of three illustrations above) can deliver the ideal surgical result for each individual patient*. This intricate nuance will help the results appear as natural as possible while minimizing such undesired effects as pleating of the skin near the ears, bunching of the skin under the chin or the mid-face, or flattening of the mid-face that can occur if the skin is pulled in an overly vertical or horizontal direction (as depicted in the first two illustrations).

What Is the Angle of the Most Natural Lift?

In staying up to date with the latest advances in facial cosmetic surgery, Dr. David M. Lieberman, Dr. Sachin S. Parikh, and Dr. Steven A. Curti take each patient’s facial features into account when crafting a surgical plan. This extends to calculating the optimal vectors for lifting the face and neck to achieve as natural a result as possible; tightening the facial skin using the correct angle can deliver the ideal surgical result for each individual patient. This intricate nuance will help the results appear as natural as possible while minimizing such undesired effects as pleating of the skin near the ears, bunching of the skin under the chin or the mid-face, or flattening of the mid-face that can occur if the skin is pulled in an overly vertical or horizontal direction.

Which Types of Facelifts Do You Perform?

Full Facelift/Neck Lift

A full facelift addresses both the skin and deeper tissues and muscles of the face and neck. As we progress through our 50s and 60s, the skin, soft tissue, and muscles of the face and neck start to sag in predictable ways. A full facelift can help reduce the signs of aging in the mid-face (cheek), lower face (jowl), and neck.

Midface Lift

A midface lift rejuvenates the cheek and eye area below the lower lid to the upper lip region. It’s performed through an endoscopic incision hidden in the hairline and diminishes the nasolabial folds, aging in the midface, and may also improve the jowl area.

Mini (Lower) Facelift/Neck Lift

A mini facelift, also called a lower facelift or a short-incision facelift, is typically combined with a neck lift to rejuvenate the jowl and neck area, but not the midface, by lifting sagging skin and muscles. Although it is often part of a full facelift, patients seeking minimal downtime may choose to have this procedure performed alone. Learn more in this blog post.

Nonsurgical Facelift

Patients seeking facial rejuvenation with minimal downtime may consider the nonsurgical facelift, a noninvasive technique for restoring youthful contours using FaceTite / AccuTite, injectable dermal fillers, and Ultherapy®. Cosmetic enhancements for your face can now be done in a comfortable office setting while you are awake. FaceTite / AccuTite, facial fillers, and Ultherapy® are excellent alternatives to sculpting and contouring your face when surgical interventions are not options.

Liquid Facelift

In patients with early signs of aging, BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal filler injections can be performed together to provide a liquid facelift. This procedure smooths away wrinkles and restores volume to the cheeks, temples, under the eyes, and other areas for a subtle yet complete facial rejuvenation. Patients who choose a liquid facelift can return to daily life right away. The results last for months but are temporary.

Revision Facelift

Some patients may seek revision surgery following an initial facelift (secondary facelift) for additional facial rejuvenation or, in rare instances, to address dissatisfaction with their results from a previous surgery.

What Does a Full Facelift Do?

A full facelift with a neck lift is the gold standard for rejuvenation of the aging face. The primary objectives are to enhance and accentuate the youthful contours of the cheek, jawline, and neck. This procedure is done carefully, with meticulous attention to every detail, with an aim to deliver natural-appearing, youthful results and restore harmony to the aging face. A full facelift may also be combined with eyelid surgery, fat grafting, or a brow lift.

We perform a full facelift and neck lift utilizing minimally invasive techniques to go underneath the deeper tissues and muscles of the cheek (SMAS), face, and neck (platysma). These delicate layers of the face are considered the deep plane of the face. A deep plane facelift addresses both the skin and deeper tissues and muscles of the face and neck. We are experienced in techniques that are comprehensive but quicker in recovery than most traditional facelifts.

We are part of a select group of surgeons that can perform a deep plane facelift. This type of facelift is superior because it can restore the youthful harmony from the upper cheeks all the way to the neck. The rejuvenated areas include the:

  • Mid-face (upper cheek below the lower eyelid)
  • Nasolabial folds (diagonal lines in front of the cheek)
  • Jawline (jowls)
  • Neckline

This facelift is named the M.A.D.E. lift, which stands for “Minimal Access Deep Plane Extended” facelift.

Facelift Treatment illustration

How Is a Deep Plane Facelift Performed?

Dr. Lieberman, Dr. Parikh, and Dr. Curti are experienced facial plastic surgeons who perform facelift surgery routinely. Because of their work in this area, instead of a traditional facelift, they apply a state-of-the-art, advanced surgical technique that lifts and tightens the underlying tissue while repositioning fat for a multi-dimensional rejuvenating effect. Application of this technique results in a natural lift without the undesired “pulled” look and avoids flattening the cheeks.

Furthermore, a deep plane facelift provides an exceedingly natural result because it minimizes the amount of skin that is pulled and how tight it needs to be pulled (the tighter the skin is pulled the more risk of an unnatural result). With a deep plane facelift, the skin gets lifted with the deeper plane without being pulled too tight and thus avoiding the unwanted windswept appearance. Because muscles and fascia are also lifted, a deep plane facelift can be said to turn the clock back by repositioning your facial tissues where they used to be 10 to 15 years ago.

A full facelift and neck lift surgery can take as little as 2 hours to as long as 4 hours and can be performed under local anesthesia with the patient fully awake, twilight sleep (I.V. sedation), or general anesthesia. Most patients can return to work in 10 to 14 days with improving results over several months.

Full (Deep Plane) Facelift & Neck Lift Recovery

Bandage Removal
1 day

Suture Removal
4-10 days

Return To Work
10-14 days

75% Recovery
6 weeks

100% Recovery
6 months

To learn about how to care for your face after a Facelift, check out this video.

What Is a Midface Lift?

Each third of the face ages in a distinct fashion. Over the last 2 decades, treatment of the mid-third of the face, or midface, has received much attention in the surgical literature. As we age, the fullness of the cheek area (midface) starts to drop with gravity. This not only gives the cheek a more hollow look, but it also changes the appearance of the lower eyelid and creates deep grooves around the mouth. While this area can be addressed by certain facelift techniques, some patients will benefit most from a directed midface lift.

The procedure typically takes between 2 and 3 hours. Midface lifting is performed via an endoscopic approach using incisions hidden behind the hairline. As a midface lift is being performed, a lateral brow lift is performed simultaneously. As the soft tissue of the cheek is suspended to a more youthful position, the excess skin must be redistributed along the forehead and then into the hairline. Doing these procedures together allows a simultaneous rejuvenation of the cheek, the brow, and the forehead. Often the lower eyelids are addressed at the time of surgery, with a lower blepharoplasty to produce the most harmonious and youthful result. Although this procedure is minimally invasive, initial recovery may take 2 to 3 weeks with improving results over several months.

Midface Lift & Neck Lift Recovery

Bandage Removal
1 day

Suture Removal
7 days

Return To Work
2 weeks

75% Recovery
2 months

100% Recovery
6 months

Facelift Before and After Gallery

View real results from real patients below.

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Facelift Neck Lift before and after treatment

L&P Signature Deep Plane Facelift and Neck Lift

This patient had out L&P Signature Deep Plane Facelift and Neck Lift with tissue contouring, a lower blepharoplasty, a limited fat transfer, and a chin implant. Yes, that is a handful of procedures, but look at how natural her outcome is. We wanted to focus on maintaining volume while contouring deep tissues for a youthful appearance.

Facelift Neck Lift before and after treatment

Signature Facelift and Neck Lift

We are performing our L&P Signature Facelift and Neck Lift on more men than ever. In this case Drs. Lieberman and Parikh combined it with tissue contouring and a fat transfer to strengthen his jawline and restore facial volume that is lost over time.

Facelift Neck Lift before and after treatment

Revision Lift Complimented with a Fat Transfer

You would never believe that this patient was in her late 60s! This beautiful patient is approximately five months out from her revision facelift and neck lift. This was a unique case because she had a previous face and neck lift with an outside surgeon a few years ago. She wanted to improve the laxity along her neckline and jawline. We also thought she could benefit from subtle volumetric improvements in her face so a fat transfer was the perfect compliment. The combination of procedures helped restore the natural volume in her face enhancing a more youthful appearance. You can see the improved transition from her lower eyelid to cheek junction, natural fullness in her cheekbones, and a sharp contour along her jawline. This is a wonderful example demonstrating that when this surgery is done well, people can look effortlessly beautiful.

Facelift Neck Lift before and after treatment

Revision Lift Complimented with a Fat Transfer

You would never believe that this patient was in her late 60s! This beautiful patient is approximately five months out from her revision facelift and neck lift. This was a unique case because she had a previous face and neck lift with an outside surgeon a few years ago. She wanted to improve the laxity along her neckline and jawline. We also thought she could benefit from subtle volumetric improvements in her face so a fat transfer was the perfect compliment. The combination of procedures helped restore the natural volume in her face enhancing a more youthful appearance. You can see the improved transition from her lower eyelid to cheek junction, natural fullness in her cheekbones, and a sharp contour along her jawline. This is a wonderful example demonstrating that when this surgery is done well, people can look effortlessly beautiful.

Recovery and Beyond

A surgical facelift requires more recovery time and healing than a liquid or nonsurgical facelift, but the results are longer lasting. In fact, the effects of this surgery are considered long-lasting in that they will not fade away due to injections dissolving or dissipating over time. Note, though, that a facelift does not prevent the face from continuing to age from that point on, so patients may notice the development of new signs of aging as they get older.

Facelift FAQs

Good candidates for a full facelift are women and men who are in good health and want to correct moderate to significant signs of aging in the face such as: Deep wrinkles on the cheeks and folds around the mouth, loose, sagging skin on the face and neck, noticeable jowls, and volume loss in the cheeks and around the eyes. People with mild to moderate facial aging may be candidates for a less invasive procedure. Our surgeons help each patient choose the procedure that is the best fit for their cosmetic needs and goals.

While a facelift can rejuvenate the face by smoothing out wrinkles, the techniques aren’t intended to reduce blemishes, scars, redness, hyperpigmentation, or other such marks. Patients looking to even out their skin tone can choose skin resurfacing with chemical peels, dermabrasion, or lasers to improve the appearance of their age spots, melasma, acne scarring, and more. These treatments can be combined with a facelift for a more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Dr. Lieberman, Dr. Parikh, and Dr. Curti focus on faces, and their aim is to help each patient achieve aesthetic balance. A rejuvenated and more youthful face may inspire a desire in some patients to make other changes as well, whether that means a more prominent chin, a new shape for the nose, or halting and even reversing a receding hairline. Talk to the doctors about facial implantsrhinoplastyear surgeryhair restoration, and more to learn about how to get an overall new look. Another option to further enhance a rejuvenated appearance is volume restoration via fat transfer or dermal fillers. This treatment can round out sunken areas and significantly contribute to a refreshed, more youthful face.

Since the typical surgical facelift involves only elements of the face from the eyes down, some patients also opt for a blepharoplasty (known as an eyelid lift) or a brow lift to rejuvenate the uppermost third of their face. A neck lift or neck liposuction can address sagging or excess fat below the face.

While facelifts are typically limited to adults, there is no minimum or maximum age requirement beyond that. The doctors at L&P Aesthetics help each patient to determine the best procedure for achieving his or her aesthetic goals, based on a thorough consultation, medical history review, and assessment of several factors, including current health, skin laxity, and risk of complications. There is no “right” age for a facelift. Patients from their 30s to their 80s have all successfully received this surgery because they wanted to rejuvenate their appearance.

Any incision can leave a long-lasting mark on the skin when it heals, though there are several benefits to choosing Dr. Lieberman, Dr. Parikh, and Dr. Curti for your surgery. Their skill and experience allow them to perform the necessary work via small incisions that should heal well. Also, the typical incision locations are within the hairline, which effectively hides any faint but visible lines that may develop. Having healthy, hydrated skin will help with the healing process. It’s also a good idea to keep healing incisions out of direct sunlight, as ultraviolet radiation can dry out and damage skin, creating more noticeable lines.

While everyone’s tolerance levels are different, this is a surgical procedure. An anesthetic will be used during the actual surgery, and most patients will subsequently experience minimal pain, which can be controlled with medication. Post-swelling bruising and swelling may be uncomfortable, but will gradually subside and reveal the youthful results.

We are specialists in revision plastic surgery including revision facelift surgery. Most revision surgery is done after the first facelift to maintain the youthful appearance of the original surgery. How long the results from the first facelift last depends on the type of procedure performed the first time.

There are rare circumstances where the first facelift can lead to an overdone or “pulled” appearance leaving the patient dissatisfied. If there is excessive tightness placed on the skin after the first surgery, this can lead to unsightly scarring, or distortion of key structures of the face such as the earlobes (“pixie ear”) or in the neck (“cobra” deformity). Due to our comfort level with all different types of facelift techniques, we are well suited to tackle any issues that may have arisen as a result of previous surgery. At your consultation, we will customize a plan based on your exam and your concerns.

Elevating Aesthetics to New Heights

Work That Speaks for Itself

Trust your beauty to an award-winning team of board-certified facial plastic surgeons, renowned for comprehensive expertise, high-quality care, and an unparalleled commitment to patients. Learn why men and women throughout San Francisco, Palo Alto, and San Jose select L&P Aesthetics for superior results.

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