All About Upper Blepharoplasty

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An upper blepharoplasty, or cosmetic eyelid surgery, can dramatically rejuvenate your appearance by making you appear more awake, cheerful and refreshed. It’s no wonder that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found “blephs” to be one of the top five procedures performed with nearly 204,000 performed in 2015 alone.

Drs. Lieberman and Parikh have written many papers on blepharoplasty* and are considered experts on the procedure. They have patients from across the Bay Area come to them complaining that they look tired, or even annoyed, when really they don’t feel that way at all.

Taken one hour before surgery, this photo shows how the hooding of her eyelids made her not only look tired but also obstructed her peripheral vision. There are a few different types of blepharoplasties, all of which Drs. Lieberman and Parikh are uniquely trained to perform, but due to the drooping upper eyelids in this patient, the doctors recommended an upper bleph.

One hour post surgery, the patient can already see a difference in her upper eyelids.  Even with some slight bruising and swelling, the patient was able to return home the same day and resume her normal activities about a week later.

Sometimes it’s possible to completely avoid scarring by making the incision on inside surface of the eyelid.

Once the incision is made, the doctors remove the excess fat, loose muscle and or skin. Then, using very fine sutures, adhesives or surgical tapes, the docs sew the skin together along the natural creases.

An upper bleph takes about an hour and is done under general anesthesia. It’s such an effective procedure that many of our patients wonder why they waited so long to have it done. Watch Marla’s journey with eyelid surgery here.

As for the patient patient mentioned above, she was instantly thrilled with her new look and told the docs she planned on treating herself to some new makeup and a trip to Hawaii for a relaxing vacation.

If you think you might be a good candidate for a blepharoplasty, please call our office to schedule your consultation with Drs. Lieberman and Parikh. (650) 327-3232

Palo Alto
(650) 407-2922

Los Gatos
(408) 402-3220

Skin & Wellness
(650) 327-3232