Free Facial Surgeries for Victims of Domestic Abuse

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Dedicated to doing all they can for victims of domestic abuse, Drs. Lieberman and Parikh provide pro bono facial surgeries to anyone with injuries sustained through domestic violence.

“Being able to give back to the community is very important us,” said Dr. Parikh.  “We have a unique opportunity to remove physical scars or sequelae from abuse, but we know victims need a lot of support to  become self sufficient which is why we also raise money for the important work of Next Door Solutions. ”

Recently Dorothy Mitchell, a woman from Oakland, whose ex-fiance slammed her head against a brick wall which left a deep scar on her forehead, was able to escape her attacker, find support and receive a scar removal surgery from Drs. Lieberman & Parikh.

“I don’t trust any men, and I was really scared coming to these doctors,” Mitchell said. “But Dr. Lieberman made me feel important. He treated me like a human being, and now that  the scar of what my ex did to me is gone, I feel free. I can start fresh.”

Dr. Lieberman says that while removing a scar for someone may seem like a little thing, what he and Dr. Parikh have found is that scar removal brings up a lot of emotions for victims and helps them move on from the trauma.

The doctors will continue to provide free facial reconstructive surgeries to any victims of domestic abuse, and recently hosted a fundraiser, “(Mis) Perceptions of Beauty”, that raised over 10K for Next Door Solutions. NDS needs funds to pay for emergency hotel stays, therapy sessions, additional daycare and restraining orders necessary for survivors to start new lives.

“The very first time you get hurt, you need to reach out and get help,” Mitchell says to anyone in a harmful relationship. “There are a lot of places out there and you should know you are not alone. A lot of women think they have to stay, but they don’t.”

If you or someone you know is being abused, please have them call the Next Door Solutions 24-hour emergency hotline for victims: 408-279-2962

Palo Alto
(650) 407-2922

Los Gatos
(408) 402-3220

Skin & Wellness
(650) 327-3232